
Although Vinicius had established his public figure through poetry and popular song, he was one of the greatest prose writers of his generation. As a matter of fact, a generation where the good prose of that time was crystallized through a chronic genre extremely characterized by the style of Rio de Janeiro city.


With a large number of newspapers that circulated in the city and with a team of writers which would vary from Rubem Braga to Carlinhos de Oliveira, from Carlos Drummond de Andrade to Clarice Lispector, from Fernando Sabino to Nelson Rodrigues, Vinicius sit among them as a chronicler who transmitted to the prose, the same reasons and the same lightness of style that he presented to the public in his poems.


Soneto de Montevidéu
Vinicius de Moraes


Não te rias de mim, que as minhas lágrimas
São água para as flores que plantaste
No meu ser infeliz, e isso lhe baste
Para querer-te sempre mais e mais.

Não te esqueças de mim, que desvendaste
A calma ao meu olhar ermo de paz
Nem te ausentes de mim quando se gaste
Em ti esse carinho em que te esvais.

Não me ocultes jamais teu rosto; dize-me
Sempre esse manso adeus de quem aguarda
Um novo manso adeus que nunca tarda

Ao amante dulcíssimo que fiz-me
À tua pura imagem, ó anjo da guarda
Que não dás tempo a que a distância cisme.

Montevidéu, 1959

